Monday, January 5, 2015

Onkyo Receiver - Loss of Sound and Networking NR717

Yesterday morning I went to turn on a movie for my six year old daughter and found I had no sound on my AV system. After going through all the obvious things: mute off - check, correct audio input - check, correct audio output - check. Then checking all connections. I then attempted to connect to the receiver over the network, as I have a static IP configured and use network control a lot. I could not connect to the the web page.

Well, now I went into setup and did a reset of the receiver and found that during setup it would not connect to the network.

Google to the rescue, a quick search revealed that Onkyo has a known issue with certain receivers, and my serial number was included in the warranty extension for repair. You actually can get a rebate for trade-in, or elect for Onkyo to send you a box for repair return. I've elected for repair, so I will post an update as this repair progresses.

Onkyo USA Support Information
08/19/2014 Loss of Audio/Network Connection Customer Care Program 
As part of our commitment to quality and customer service we have determined that a limited number of Onkyo Brand receivers manufactured between 2009 and 2012 may experience loss of audio or loss of network connection. This malfunction has been traced back to a defective network chip. We deeply regret any frustration or inconvenience this situation may have caused. To address the problem and help people who may have an impacted receiver, Onkyo is launching a special Customer Care Program to remedy this issue for those receivers that may be affected by this loss of audio/network connection issue.
This program has three steps:
1. Verify if your Onkyo receiver is impacted
2. Decide how you prefer to address the issue
3. Send us your receiver in a prepaid box and label that we will provide at no cost to you.

As part of this program we are also extending our standard limited warranty period to cover this issue for affected receivers through December 31, 2018
All other terms, conditions and limitations of the original limited warranty shall continue to apply for the duration of the original standard limited warranty. Importantly, please note that the loss of audio/network connection issue will not result in harm to any connected components or speakers since the issue is contained to a single element within the affected receivers.

To determine if your receiver is eligible under this Customer Care Program please click here
Loss of Audio/Network Connection Customer Care Program for US and Canada customers
We thank you for your loyalty! Onkyo again apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and will provide this repair as expeditiously as possible.

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